Sustained posture – where part of or the whole body is kept in the same position for a prolonged period including:
- Supporting plasterboard sheeting while it is nailed into place
- Continually standing with weight mainly on one leg while operating a power press with foot pedal controls
Awkward posture – where any part of the body is in an uncomfortable or unnatural position, such as:
- Postures that are unbalanced or asymmetrical
- Postures that require extreme joint angles or bending and twisting
- Squatting while servicing plant or a vehicle
- Working with arms overhead
- Bending over a desk or table
- Using a hand tool that causes the wrist to be bent to the side
- Kneeling while trowelling concrete or laying carpet
- Bending the neck or back to the side to see around bulky items pushed on a trolley